This blog was to be posted in the fall of 2004.
Which of the following reasons would cause you to stop buying/wearing a jersey???
1. Former icon cheats on his wife, is accused of rape, names names, and avoids jail time.
2. Former icon runs one of the best coaches ever out of town. A coach who once helped develop the greatest basketball player of all time.
3. Former icon runs one of the five best centers ever out of town.
4. Former icon gets into spat with Hall of Famer regarding "hunting little Mexican girls" comments made by Hall of Famer, rats on him by telling Hall of Famer's wife, and leaks it to the press.
Reason #1 would do it for me, but #2-#4 are damn good reasons too. But obviously one or a combination of above reasons have caused a 'minor' dip in sales of the former icon's jersey.